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Help! My Man Has Low T

It doesn’t take an expert to know that testosterone plays essential roles in a man’s body, but not everyone understands this hormone’s roles and knows what to do when testosterone runs low.

Some men fail to recognize the signs of low testosterone and suffer from the symptoms without seeking help. As his partner, you may see the signs before he does, putting you in a good position to help.

But talking about low T can be tough. 

Here, our experts at The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, offer some practical tips for spotting the signs of low T in your man and helping him seek treatment to alleviate his symptoms.

Why testosterone is important

Both men and women have the hormone testosterone, but it plays a bigger role in men — it’s responsible for building and maintaining muscle mass and bone density, and it keeps their sex drive (libido) humming. 

However, as men age, their testosterone levels naturally decline, usually beginning around age 30 and continuing throughout the rest of their life. Along with this steady decline comes unfamiliar and unwanted changes. 

How to spot low T in your man

Identifying low testosterone can be tricky because the symptoms often overlap with other conditions. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with low T:

Low energy and tiredness

If your man has low T, he might always seem tired or have exceptionally low energy levels. Even after getting enough sleep, he may still struggle to get through the day without a nap or some caffeine.

He might also lack the motivation to engage in everyday activities and his favorite hobbies or sports because he feels exhausted.

Erectile dysfunction

Testosterone stimulates a man’s sex drive and helps him achieve an erection. Low T can lead to difficulties in getting or maintaining an erection. While erectile dysfunction can stem from other health issues, low T may be a contributing factor.

Mood swings and cognitive challenges

If he just doesn’t seem himself, it could be due to low T. Men with low testosterone often experience mood swings, depression, irritability, or a lack of focus. These psychological symptoms may be due to decreased levels of this hormone, which can negatively impact his overall mood and cognitive function.

How to talk to your man about low T

Approaching your loved one about a sensitive health issue like low T requires understanding, empathy, and tact. Here are six tips:

1. Have a clear goal in mind

What do you want to accomplish in talking with your guy about low T? Your aim is to express concern and suggest seeking medical advice. Avoid making him feel judged or uncomfortable.

2. Use nonthreatening language 

Choose your words carefully. Make sure your tone is supportive, not confrontational.

3. Be kind and empathetic

Recognize that your man may be frustrated or embarrassed. Be patient and understanding.

4. Know the facts

Be prepared to share accurate information about low T, its symptoms, and the benefits of seeking treatment — in short, do your research. You can find our expert overview of low T here, and The Endocrine Center team is available for consultations. 

5. Be a good listener

Allow him to express his feelings. Validate his experiences and concerns. Health care is a personal decision; ultimately, it’s his to make. 

6. Share information about getting help

Discuss the option of seeing a medical professional who can provide a diagnosis and discuss potential treatments — that’s where we come in. The Endocrine Center team specializes in hormones, diagnosing imbalances and treating them to restore function and health. 

Low T is treatable. With proper medical care, you and your man can manage his symptoms and improve his quality of life. 

For more information, call The Endocrine Center; we have three Houston locations. He can call or schedule a consultation online when he’s ready to see us.

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