Can I Still Get Pregnant With a Thyroid Disorder?

The thyroid plays a pivotal role in so many of your body’s processes, including reproduction, so yes, a thyroid disorder can affect your fertility.
Women with thyroid disorders — whether overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism) — often struggle to conceive. Fortunately, thyroid-related fertility issues are more manageable than you might think.
Our board-certified endocrinologists specialize in treating various thyroid conditions and their impacts on fertility at The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas. Here, we explain the connection between thyroid function and pregnancy and share essential insights for women looking to conceive while managing a thyroid disorder.
How does your thyroid affect fertility?
The thyroid is a small gland at the base of your neck. It produces hormones that regulate your metabolism, energy levels, and overall bodily functions — including reproduction.
For women, proper thyroid hormone levels ensure regular ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). If your thyroid isn’t functioning correctly, ovulation can become irregular or stop altogether, making it more difficult to get pregnant. Key thyroid disorders that can impact your fertility include:
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
Low levels of thyroid hormones can disrupt your menstrual cycle and interfere with the release of eggs, reducing fertility. Fatigue, weight gain, and depression often accompany hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
An overproduction of thyroid hormones may cause irregular cycles or even stop menstruation temporarily. Other symptoms include restlessness, weight loss, and heat intolerance.
If you're experiencing difficulty conceiving, testing for thyroid function may help pinpoint and resolve underlying challenges.
Can thyroid problems impact pregnancy?
Yes, untreated or poorly managed thyroid disorders can affect your pregnancy and fetal development. During pregnancy, your thyroid must work harder to produce hormones for you and your baby. That’s why women with thyroid disorders — whether diagnosed before or during pregnancy — are carefully monitored and treated as needed.
Risks associated with thyroid problems during pregnancy include:
- Miscarriage or preterm labor, especially in cases of untreated hypothyroidism
- Preeclampsia, a potentially serious pregnancy complication associated with high blood pressure and organ damage
- Developmental delays or low birth weight for the baby
It’s important to understand that you can address many of these concerns with the proper medical care and consistent monitoring.
What should women with thyroid disorders know before trying to conceive?
If you have a thyroid disorder and are considering pregnancy, early preparation is key. Here’s what we recommend:
Get your thyroid levels checked before trying to conceive. Tests like TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) or T4 (thyroxine) give a clear picture of your thyroid function.
Follow a treatment plan tailored to you. This might include taking synthetic thyroid hormones, such as levothyroxine, for hypothyroidism or medication to manage hyperthyroidism.
Work closely with your healthcare team. The specialists at The Endocrine Center collaborate with your OB/GYN to ensure your thyroid condition is well-managed throughout your pregnancy.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet rich in iodine (an essential mineral for thyroid health), managing stress, and staying physically active support your reproductive health.
With expert care and monitoring, many women with thyroid disorders go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies.
If you’re concerned about how your thyroid health might influence your ability to conceive, call The Endocrine Center or request an appointment online. We’re here to treat your thyroid disorder, give you peace of mind, and help ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy.
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